Low Birth Rates
UK Europe
is dying, but its population is taking not the least notice of the fact. Around
25 years ago, birth rates fell below replacement levels across most of Western
Europe, and they have been locked in a broad downtrend ever since. Richard
Yep: We are dying. Thanks to feminism.
The ideology of self-delusion and
We are doomed.
But. Is there a solution? Or do we just curl up and die?
Well, according to the article, "As a
stopgap, it will be necessary to bring in increasing numbers of immigrants, with
all the social and cultural complications this entails."
But, of course, I have a much better solution!
And this is to get all those no-good hussies of
ours who masquerade as womenfolk back into the kitchen! - where they can make
you a nice cup of tea when you get home from work before you pump 'em full of
your reproductive juices while leaving enough time for a sandwich or two before
the football starts on the TV.
Criminalise abortion and make 'em spend all
their no-good years being painfully pregnant!
Baby bags.
That's what they were designed for.
That's the solution!
"Even if birth rates were to double
overnight, it would take 20 years before this made the slightest blip on the
size of the workforce."
Damn! Too late!
No problem.
I have another solution!
The most attractive women servants and maids
from other countries should be tempted to immigrate into our own countries in
order to help our poor permanently pregnant women with all of that tedious

way we menfolk could quadruple the birth rate!
Yes indeed!
And a jolly good time would be had by all!
But Angry Harry. That could displease some of
our own womenfolk. Some of them might get upset.
Oh fiddle-de-dee. Who gives a sh*t!?
Women were designed to have
babies. What is the point of them otherwise?
Look. If women stop having babies, that's it!
End of story.
Women were designed by Nature to reproduce! What we have today in the west are non-women.
They can't even keep the population afloat.
They have failed!
We westerners are going to become
extinct. Western women are evolutionary dead ends. They have pampered themselves
into the abyss.
Even a hundred years ago women were
reproducing more than enough children even to counter the high rates of death in young
babies and during birth. And then they rushed around for many years on end
caring for their families. These days most of them can't even wire a plug
or boil an egg despite
all this 'education' and 'feminism'.
They are too busy masquerading as 'victims'.
So. Too bad. Let 'em complain.
And if they make too much fuss about the
arrival of millions of attractive women servants and maids from other countries
then we shoot them.

Still complaining, eh?
We point the barrels of our shiny guns at the
tips of their stuck-up noses and we shoot them.
Aha. I see. So you're complaining about
Ingrid's short skirt again, eh?
Hmm. So you think that it is unfair of me to
give Helga 80% of my sexual attention time, eh?
Oh. I get it. So you don't think it's right
for me to have three seriously nubile serving wenches, eh? Little
Miss Smarty Pants thinks that one serving wench is enough, eh?
Show them no mercy.
And, in any case, we should also shoot them
when they reach the age of 60.
That'll also solve the problem
of having to cope with too many ageing people.
And it'll serve 'em right, because this is yet
another serious problem that those scheming harlots will have brought upon us.
Huge swarms of old women with no teeth clogging up the planet's
And complaining.
Western women alive today have caused nothing
but trouble to their menfolk. They don't deserve to be catered for in their
old age. We should ship 'em out into Oblivion as soon
as they hit 60 and transport into our cities truckloads of fertile lovelies from

Angry Harry's Domestic Staff
And then every day would be a day in which to partay!
All the men would be happy.
No more crime. No more 'competition'.
But Angry Harry. That would not be fair.
Fair? Fair? Who gives a sh*t about being
'fair'? Any kind of 'fairness' that existed between
the genders was surely destroyed a long time ago. Forget about 'fair'. That rule does not apply any longer.
It is either us or them.
And then, when the bio-technology is advanced
enough, we'll grow 'em like turnips.

And eventually they'll all be
genetically-engineered so that they all grow up to be good looking
and amenable, with their brains re-programmed so that they become ecstatic to
the point of orgasm at the very thought of catering for the
needs of their menfolk.
Their masters!
Forget about 'fair'.
Indeed, do not people often say
that all is fair in love and war?
Well. This is both!